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Book Club: Haboo (online)

10 December, 2024, 6 PM-7 PM
Chelángen Department

Join us for a discussion of “Haboo: Native American Stories from Puget Sound” by Vi Hilbert.

This book is available in print at the Samish Library in Anacortes and as an eBook from the Samish Digital Library on the Libby app. 

Please email RSVP@samishtribe.nsn.us to join the Book Club email list! Book Club members will receive invitations to all discussions and can choose which to attend. 

Haboo, Hilbert’s collection of thirty-three stories, features tales mostly set in the Myth Age, before the world transformed. Animals, plants, trees, and even rocks had human attributes. Prominent characters like Wolf, Salmon, and Changer and tricksters like Mink, Raven, and Coyote populate humorous, earthy stories that reflect foibles of human nature, convey serious moral instruction, and comically detail the unfortunate, even disastrous consequences of breaking taboos

Haboo book cover, featuring a watercolor illustration of an adult and child holding hands on a mounded of greenery and flowers, the child pointing upward towards mountain peaks. The illustration is encircled by a bald eagle.