Notice to Samish Indian Nation Citizens Regarding Recent White House Directive and its Impact on Tribal Programs
Climate Change Resource List The resources and links listed below provide additional information and sources on climate change issues: Samish Indian Nation Reports:
Local/Regional Resources & Links: Research: Skagit Climate Science Consortium University of Washington Climate Impacts Group Washington Sea Grant Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative Northwest Climate Hub
Policies or Plans: Washington State Department of Ecology Skagit County National Resources & Links: Research: National Climate Assessment U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NASA Tribal Links: Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians Bureau of Indian Affairs Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals Other Information Sources: Seattle Time's Sea Change Series
Samish DNR Phone: (360) 726-3155 E-mail Samish DNR
Anacortes, WA