Notice to Samish Indian Nation Citizens Regarding Recent White House Directive and its Impact on Tribal Programs
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Indian (Soaperry) ice cream
war spear
fish spear (either three‑prong or two prong)(to spear fish or send down cod lure)
one‑pointed shorter spear (with rope to pull it out with, used on seal or on land)
cod lure
fish club
war club ("club face device, something made to club face")
net (for fish or animals)(incl. gill net, purse seiner, drag net, etc.)
when fish get caught in a gill net
purse seiner
reef net
trap, deadfall trap
small scoop fish net (for fish, crabs, anything in the sea)(hoop made out of oceanspray wood and woven cedar bark, now of white man's net)
bait (for animal or fish trap)
anchored (of boat or net)