Notice to Samish Indian Nation Citizens Regarding Recent White House Directive and its Impact on Tribal Programs
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guardian spirit, a spirit power
spirit song (and its dance)
an Indian dance, a spirit dance
to spirit dance
new spirit dancer, "baby" ("new spirit power")
bear spirit power
a spirit dancer (new or old), Indian dancer
a long time Indian dancer
Indian doctor, medicine man, shaman
to cure someone (of Indian doctors or Indian Shakers)
power to kill or do harm
shoot power into someone (done by an Indian doctor)
training for something (canoe racing ["canoe pulling"], Indian doctoring, etc.)
training for Indian doctoring/spirit dancing/or one's own health
person who does ritual burnings (for the dead and their friends + relations)
brushing a longhouse/a person/a home (done by a ritualist after a death)
person who reads minds or predicts the future
person who talks to spirits/ghosts
power boards